The blockbuster traveling exhibit, “For America: 200 Years of Painting from the National Academy of Design” at Figge Art Museum in Davenport ends on May…
After a crazy, unprecedented year, the Figge Art Museum in Davenport wants your help in looking back at 2020. The new exhibit “2020 Vision: You Are Here,…
The Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport has a lot to celebrate - it opened 15 years ago this month, and it's paid off its construction debt. So Friday…
To celebrate the Figge Art Museum’s 15th anniversary on Thursday, August 6th the museum on West 2nd Street in downtown Davenport, will have 15 days of…
The Family Museum, Figge Art Museum, and Putnam Museum are among the most popular attractions in the Quad-Cities area. The Iowa-side institutions – which…
The Family Museum in Bettendorf and the Figge Art Museum in Davenport have taken different approaches to re-opening after shutdowns caused by…
Even though they've been closed during the pandemic, museums in the Quad Cities have tried to remain accessible by putting their exhibits and activities…
GovernmentDuring the pandemic, arts organizations in the Quad Cities are struggling to find federal financial help.While $2 trillion in new federal spending will go…
A new leader has been chosen for the Figge Art Museum in Davenport. Today, it announced the hiring of Michelle Hargrave as executive director to replace…