The Illinois and Iowa departments of transportation are trying to decide whether to build a new I-80 bridge between LeClaire and Rapids City.
And Michelle O'Neill reports they want to know what you think.

More than 500 people participated in a virtual public meeting about the I-80 Mississippi Bridge.
Tony Pakeltis is a consultant from Parsons, the same company that helped design the new Savanna Sabula bridge.
He says the Quad Cities I-80 bridge is more than 50 years old and doesn't meet modern safety standards.
The Illinois DOT is the lead agency for the I-80 bridge planning study. Becky Marruffo, from the Dixon office, says the project area includes the bridge and nine miles of highway from just east of Middle Road in Bettendorf to the I-88 interchange.
The Illinois DOT's six-year funding program includes nearly $305 million for the project. That's for engineering, design, environmental studies, utility adjustments, and construction.
The I-80 project team is asking for public comments. And the deadline is May 6th. The project website is HERE.