Some welcome help for the King Center in Rock Island from the state of Illinois. It's one of 20 non-profit organizations that'll receive grants from the state's Charitable Trust Stabilization Fund.
During a stop in Rock Island Tuesday, State Treasurer Michael Frerichs announced a 10,000 dollar grant that'll be used to help pay for the annual Thanksgiving dinner in November. It's one of 20 grants totaling nearly half a million dollars.
"This money comes from annual filing fees paid to the attorney general by non-profits - their annual filing fees. Those fees go into the Charitable Trust Fund - it was set up by non-profits to help support smaller non-profits throughout the state."
Frerichs says the Charitable Trust Stabilization Fund was actually approved in 2007, but for some reason no grants had ever been issued, until now.
The grants are focused on food security, housing, and workplace development.