Plastic. Something we all use multiple times per day, often times without thinking about it. Plastic is easy, convenient, and many times the only option. We see it everywhere from groceries, take-out containers, beauty products, to water bottles. Because of this, plastic is polluting our waterways, landfills and eventually breaking down into microplastics that can be found in our food, air, and water which can show up in our bodies.
But there is hope! 56 fifth graders from Public School 15 in Red Hook, Brooklyn took the matter of plastic pollution into their own hands. Join us on April 24th at 2pm for the Viewing of Microplastic Madness at the Figge Art Museum Auditorium to learn about these students' mission to reduce plastic use. Watch as these young students tear into the root causes of plastic pollution. The audience will see them take on the roles of citizen scientists and community advocates as they collect local data, lead community outreach, and calculate data from their own school’s plastic use in the cafeteria, to inform policy by testifying and rallying at City Hall. Their push to reduce plastic doesn't stop there, the students work with their school to eliminate single use plastic in their cafeteria. This film proves that regardless of how old you are, it is never too late to make changes in your life and community when it comes to plastic usage. Small changes lead to big changes.
Locally students are making an impact as well. Before the showing of the film, the auditorium lobby will have teachers from local schools talking about the environmental initiatives they have taken in their classrooms. Come early to get a chance to speak to these teachers and learn more about what they are doing in their schools and our community. After the film, our talk back will be hosted by Greg Swanson, retired Utilities General Manager for the City of Moline. Greg is a strong advocate of public outreach efforts that promote knowledge and appreciation of water and the many water-related challenges in our world today.
This is the perfect event to round out your Earth Day weekend. So join us Sunday April 24th at 2pm in the Figge Art Museum Auditorium to see our final film in our 2022 QC Environmental Film Series, Microplastic Madness. The film is free for all students and $5 for adults. You can purchase tickets online at or buy tickets at the door. The QC Environmental Film Series is sponsored by The Singh Family Foundation, River Action, Nahant Marsh and The Sierra Club. Hope to see you on Sunday the 24th at 2pm!