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Meta considers Davenport for new data center campus


A state board recently approved an application for a financial incentive to build a Meta data center campus in Davenport.

Last week, the Iowa Economic Development Authority Board approved the 20-year 60% property tax exemption. In a release, the board says the project would result in $800 million of new capital investment for the state.

Vemerald, a subsidiary of Meta, the company behind Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, would store and transfer customer data at the center, which would include office space, servers and support equipment. The project is expected to create 35 jobs, paying over $28 hourly.

If selected, the city says the center would be located at the northwest corner of Hillandale Road and Enterprise Way.

Rachel graduated from Michigan State University's J-School and has a background in broadcast and environmental journalism. Before WVIK, she worked for WKAR Public Media, Great Lakes Now, and more. In her free time, she likes to cook, hike, and hang out with her cat.