That was one of the city's accomplishments that Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati highlighted in this year's state of the city address.
"We are very proud of this accomplishment and how it transforms our primary budget goals for 2024, which include increasing funding for city-wide infrastructure capital improvement projects," she said. "We want our roads improved and deferred maintenance avoided."
Last year, the city set up a ten-year capital projects fund.
"Essential to the health of this plan was an amusement tax sharing agreement with the Illinois Quad Cities Civic Center Authority, more affectionately known here as Vibrant Arena at the MARK."
"Also essential was a 1.5% natural gas and electric franchise fee that was adopted by a previous council, but enacted in fiscal year 2024."
Rayapati says the city will spend over $5 million on its downtown redevelopment and other projects this year. The city will spend another $5 million in COVID relief money.
"Our diversified revenue streams and generous $5.3 million allocation of American Rescue Plan dollars for 2024 is helping us address the Arsenal Bridge redecking project, fixing the Illinois 92 corridor stormwater flooding issues, funding the new bikeways and multimodal plans and addressing critical water infrastructure, including lead line removal."
The city of Moline will also ramp up rental housing inspections, roll out municipal identification cards and invest in environmental initatives, like pollinator gardens.