Major changes are in the works for the Bereskin Gallery and Art Academy. After nearly 30 years in Bettendorf, the gallery will move online, and art classes will be split among the Figge Art Museum and Family Museum.
Davenport, the downtown partnership, and the Figge Art Museum are inviting people to help plan the next step for the Mississippi riverfront.Recently, the…
Everyone can see "French Moderns" at the Figge for free. Today, the art museum in Davenport announced no admission will be charged for the next two weeks,…
The internationally bestselling author Ross King will deliver two lectures at the Figge Art Museum in conjunction with the current "French Moderns: Monet…
The much-anticipated traveling exhibit "French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850-1950" makes its debut at the Figge Art Museum this week, opening to the…
Students Rebuild is a collaborative program of the Bezos Family Foundation, whose mission is to inspire young people worldwide to connect, learn, and take…
The 10th annual College Invitational art exhibition is on display at the Figge Art Museum in Davenport through Aug. 12, 2018.Students from eight different…
The author of Where the Wild Things Are—one of the most widely read children's books—now has his own exhibit in the Quad Cities.Listen here to the radio…