Vice President for Instruction Amy Maxeiner says EAB will look at how the college recruits and tries to retain its students.
"With declining enrollment we've tried many different things to try to continue to recruit students and sometimes you don't know what you don't know. We're looking to EAB to help us determine what are those things we might be missing, where are our gaps, and how do we fill those gaps."
Maxeiner says college enrollment is declining all across the country due to fewer students graduating from high school.
"Approximately 30 per cent of students in our region, and this is also happening nationally, that don't do any college, go into the military, don't do anything when they graduate. We need help to find those students and insure that they are set up for success as they go on into their profession and career."
Enrollment at the two campuses of Black Hawk College now totals about 60,000 credit hours, which is just half of what it was ten years ago.