Iowa Department of Natural Resources furbearer biologist Vince Evelsizer said his team received a phone call in early December that a trapper found a live gray fox in southern Iowa. He rushed down with the state wildlife veterinarian and Dave Hoffman, a wildlife research technician, to find a healthy adult female.
Iowa listed the gray fox as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in 2015 based on 25 years of population decline. The DNR launched a multi-year study in 2022 to identify why numbers have dropped and better understand what could help the canine rebound.
After recording the gray fox's weight and collecting blood samples for disease testing and DNA analysis, they outfitted her with a tracking collar and released her where she was found.
“We’ve been tracking her since that time, thanks to some help from DNR staff and one or two private landowners down there,” Evelsizer said. “Everything is going well so far with tracking that second gray fox, which we're calling GF2.”

It started with GF1
The DNR collared its first gray fox, called GF1, in November of 2023. The GPS data from the healthy, 10-pound male revealed its preferred den sites and hunting grounds over a 2-by-2-mile range on the edge of Keokuk.
They installed trail cameras around the dens to learn about GF1’s behavior and discovered that he was often pushed out by other wildlife — raccoons, opossums, skunks, bobcats, coyotes.
“It seems like it's really a kind of a tough life out there for these little foxes with a lot of competition, and it's just really tough for them to thrive and survive here in Iowa,” Hoffman said.
While the collar stopped working after 10 months, Hoffman and Evelsizer believe GF1 is still alive.
The DNR’s trail cameras and a volunteer who helped the agency with tracking the gray fox spotted him several times in October and November. During one occasion, he was rolling around in deer scrape and barking at the volunteer, who was hunting in a tree stand.
Evelsizer said this kind of recreational behavior is a “sign that he’s feeling good and spunky.”
None of the trail cameras have picked up an image of a mate, which Evelsizer and Hoffman said is a concern. But they’re hopeful about an unmarked gray fox that’s been picked up by trail cameras near GF2.

Few foxes but lots of interest
Since launching the study last year and posting updates on social media, Hoffman said they’ve received an influx of gray fox sightings and interest from the public.
“More people are concerned about the fox; more people are aware and people want to protect their habitat,” he said.
Gray foxes prefer woodlands with a mix of young and mature trees, according to Evelsizer. To make habitat improvements, landowners can consult a DNR forester or licensed forestry management professional.
“The habitat for gray foxes can be good habitat for other species of wildlife. So good forestry management practices are always a good thing, not only for forest health, but for forest wildlife, as well,” Evelsizer said.

Evelsizer and Hoffman are planning to install trail cameras in northeast Iowa in February and March to survey gray foxes and fishers, another woodland dweller.
Fishers started to show up in northeast Iowa in 2016, and unlike the gray fox, their numbers have grown slightly there, as well as in southeast Minnesota. Evelsizer said the trail camera data will help them understand where both species live on the landscape.

What to do if you spot a gray fox?
Evelsizer said it’s best if trappers reach out to him or Hoffman first if they’re interested in catching a live gray fox for the DNR’s study.
If you spot a live gray fox or have trail camera footage, contact either:
- Dave Hoffman at
- Vince Evelsizer at
If you find a dead gray fox, send the location for disease sampling and DNA testing to either:
- Vince Evelsizer at
- State Wildlife veterinarian, Rachel Ruden at