Employees of Modern Woodmen of America braved the frigid weather to support Child Abuse Awareness Month. Friday afternoon they planted 600 blue pinwheels in the lawn next to the home office in downtown Rock Island.
Spokeswoman Michelle Opsahl says it's the kick off for a year long project to help kids called "Power Their Potential."
"We're partnering with the Child Abuse Council to make the Quad Cities' largest pinwheel garden. It's full of blue pinwheels and they symbolize happy, healthy childhoods that all kids should have."
Employees also heard from the Child Abuse Council's Angie Kendall, director of development and communications, about why it's important to help and protect kids.
Other pinwheel gardens are being planted this month at St. Ambrose University, the Muscatine County courthouse, and at the Moline and Davenport Police departments.