As July comes to an end I have a recommendation to usher out the month. Hustle on over to Genesius Guild to take in its current – and last production of its season – Aristophanes’ The Wasps, again adapted and directed by Calvin Vo and T Green of Haus of Ruckus fame.
Vo and Green headed up last year’s Greek comedy The Frogs and, as newcomers to the genre, played it a little more close to the vest when it came to skewering politicians and local goings on than founder Don Wooten did when he wrote the scripts. I’m happy to report that this year they loosened up obtaining just the right balance of current events and local color with Aristophanes’ original rendition. They do so with subtle skill so be sure to bring your thinking caps with you.
A synopsis provided in the program states: “Philokleon, a wealthy man, has developed an addiction [of] going to court, serving on the jury, and issuing verdicts…In an attempt to break this addiction, his son, Phobokleon has locked Philokleon in the house. The Wasps – a group…addicted to jury duty who all follow the figurehead Kleon – try to free Philokleon. Their attempts lead to an impromptu trial…” with, I might add ridiculous results.
Taking on the roles of the frenetic Philokleon and his son Phobokleon are David Weaver and Mel Maylum. As the ever present Greek comedy servants, Xanthias and Sosia, are Jacob Lund (who also played Xanthias in last year’s The Frogs) and Olivia Akers. And the Wasps are Wiz Wolley, Joe Sager, Katie Phillips, and Nathan Elgatian. I might add that I loved the adorable originality of the Wasps costuming.
You know, the Greek comedy is not so much about the quality of the acting, costuming, or set design. It’s about having a rip roaring good time. On that note, they excelled…and the show only runs for about 45 to 50 minutes so you’ll have plenty of time for more fun after the show.
The Wasps continues Saturday and Sunday, July 29 and 30 at 7:00 pm in beautiful Lincoln Park in Rock Island – just a stone’s throw from Alleman High School and Augustana College .
I’m Chris Hicks…break a leg.