On Saturday, the 50th Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa and the 49th Quad-City Times Bix-7 road race, will converge in Davenport.
The live music, food, drink, and fun will begin Friday. Dave Herrell from Visit Quad Cities says "Bix-BRAI" could bring 50,000 people to Davenport.
Organizers and public safety officials have been planning for months. And Herrell says they're prepared for the triple-digit temperatures currently baking the Quad Cities.
"Just make sure you stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, you might want to throw on that baseball hat, do the things that you need to do to take care of your body, and get out of the sun if you need that rest," he said. "But we're midwesterners and we're tough and it's not the first time that we've done this, so I think we'll be ready for the heat."
Iowa American Water will provide water for participants and hundreds of volunteers.
Davenport is the last RAGBRAI stop with the ceremonial bike dip. There will be live entertainment at the dip site on Marquette Street. Herrell says locals are invited to the festivities too, and there will be free parking downtown.
"We want Quad citizens to play a key role, whether that's volunteering and coming on Saturday to help lend a pair of hands, or just being down there and experiencing the energy, and the fun, and the comraderie," he said. "These are the memories that you want to be able to have in your community."
The full event schedule is at davenportragbrai.com