Communications Coordinator Tory Brecht says people can submit questions to city staff, for example how to report a pothole. The question is relayed to the correct staffer who then records a short video that's e-mailed back to the person, and available on the city website.
"We really want people to understand that the folks working here at the city are just regular working people like everybody else in Moline. Kind of getting away from that idea of government being this nameless, faceless bureaucracy, we're just people doing our jobs."
Eventually, the city will have a "library" of video answers availale to anyone.
Brecht says City Administrator Bob Vitas heard about Rep'd at a recent conference and thought it might be a good way to encourage conversations between residents and city staff.
"They kind of got started working primarily with campaigns but quickly realized that even after candidates had won they found it was such a great tool to be able to continue communications with their constituents that they kind of moved into the government sector."
Questions and comments can be submitted by going to the Moline city website or Rep'd ( ).