The proposal is part of the city's new Eastgate TIF Redevelopment Plan on the eastern edge of the city along the Mississippi River.
The project's boundaries are roughly from:
- 4th Avenue, Illinois Highway 92, to old River Drive
- 48th to 55th Street which is also known as 1st Street in East Moline.
See main image above.
Businesses in the proposed TIF district include the Catfish Charlie's, Parr Instrument, and Factory of Fear.
At Monday's open house, Moline staff presented an overview of the Eastgate TIF Plan and Project. A copy of the plan is available at the city clerk's office.
July 6th, 2023: Corrected the name of new restaurant where the Captain's Table was previously located, and removed a business that's no longer open. (Thanks to a sharp listener who told us about the errors.)