The Dubuque Regional Airport's second phase of its taxiway reconstruction is funded after receiving $4.9 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
The second phase includes reconstructing Taxiway A, which connects the airport's hangars to its runways. This phase will lay around 1,300 linear feet of pavement with an additional 1,000 feet to provide an additional connection between the taxiway and the two runways.
The Dubuque Regional Airport Manager Todd Dalsing says he is grateful for the reconstruction project making progress.
"This grant will allow us to continue to improve our facilities, which serve private and student flyers as part of our larger effort to provide reliable and effective air service to Dubuque and the surrounding area," Dalsing said in a press release.
The reconstruction plan is separated into six phases with the final one anticipated to be completed in 2029. Over all 6,500 feet of taxiway is expected to be replaced.
Each construction phase includes earth moving and grading, storm sewer drainage replacement, concrete paving, lighting and signage installation, adding pavement markings and turfgrass stabilization.