A Quad Cities librarian wants to know how to tell the difference between real news and fake news. And Amy Groskopf, Davenport Library Director, wants people to learn the same thing.
On Monday night at 6:30, the library will host, "The Rise of Fake News." Michelle O'Neill reports it'll be a panel discussion at the Eastern Avenue Branch.
Libraries have always helped people find accurate and recent information. But Amy Groskopf says the old publishing days are over, and digital access has changed the way we get information, and how fast.
She invited five people to participate as panelists: KWQC News Anchor Gary Metivier, Quad City Times Exec. Editor Autumn Phillips, Freelance Journalist Peter Rugg, St. Ambrose University Journalism Professor Alan Sivell, and WVIK News Director, Herb Trix.